Exciting new study out of Charles Darwin University shows melanoma cells killed by cannabis extract

According to the Melanoma Institute Australia, our country experiences the highest incidence rates of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers in the world, with skin cancer accounting for over 80% of all new cancer diagnoses. .

The Maxine Rava Foundation has, as you know, funded Israeli-based Cannabis research to isolate unique Medical Cannabis compound combinations to treat and cause apoptosis [death] of HR Positive Breast Cancer.

A national targeted melanoma screening program is a step closer following the release of the ‘Skin Checks for Melanoma in Australia Position Statement’, led by Melanoma Institute Australia. The Program primary aim is to identify cancers at a much earlier stage, before symptoms arise.

Recent exciting research out of Charles Darwin University (CDU) in association with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology [RMIT] Melbourne, looked at the effects of Cannabis compounds on Melanoma.

Melanoma is now one of the leading fatal forms of cancer. From a treatment perspective, there is minimal control over its reoccurrence..

Hence, the desperate need for new therapies. The very promising therapy is Cannabis compounds and “their potential to function as anticancer agents.” Its Co-Author, Dr Nassar Nazim said in a recent CDU Media Release.*

He said that current conventional drug therapy for melanoma doesn’t resolve the high reoccurrence and resistance that can be developed to current drug therapies..

Like the remarkable work of Dr Dedi Meiri and has team at Technion University in Israel, where effective delivery systems were developed and are now progressing to Clinical Trial, Dr Nazim and the team of researchers now need to now develop an effective targeted delivery system to cause the apoptosis[death of the cells] necessary to effectively treat [control or cure] the melanoma cancer cells.

CDU and RMIT’s research is yet to undertake pre-clinical trials but we at the Foundation are watching their progress with real excitement.  

{*} https://www.cdu.edu.au/news/new-study-reveals-kill-order-melanoma-cells-cannabis-extract


Dr. Meiri Collaboration with Cannabis Growers